Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Weigh In Day



Weigh in Day!!!!

6.12 = 242.8
6.20 = 241.0

-1.8 pounds

Total Loss to Date: 19.0 pounds

I meant to check in yesterday, but I HAD to finish this large order of bows... by large I mean I've spent 6 days straight finishing 125 cheer bows and I've only exercised once. I've been jonesin' to get out and hit the pavement. So now that I have the bows I can get back on track.

So how did I manage to drop weight while only getting one work out in? Proper nutrition and making sure I drink plenty of water. I have no other explanation for it. Also, this morning, wouldn't you know it... I stepped on the scale and I'm down to 239.9. That's 20.1 pounds down since March 27th! I am tickled. I'm also going to go get my tattoo now!

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