Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sick of The Up & Down

I am so tired of the up & down weather pattern. It's freaking crazy. We went from fall to spring to a mild summer. But shouldn't have to deal with 30* weather at night and 70*-80* weather during the day. It just isn't right.

Today is cold, windy and cloudy. Blech. But I still made it work. The hubs is still gimpy so after about 2 miles he took the kiddos home and I continued on and was able to start jogging. I couldn't get too far ahead of him, so he kinda slowed me down. ;)

After my run I was in a weird food spot. So I made a silly, yummy snack for 7PP. Fresh pineapple, a chocolate fiber brownie, unsalted dry roasted peanuts, and raspberry-peach water. 

Tonight I'm going to whip up some more Lemon-Lime Garlic Chicken and Roasted Broccoli. Nummy...well time to start preparing dinner!

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