Monday, June 24, 2013


Well hello blog land! Long time no see? Sad that my last post was June 1st?

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Have no fear I'm still working towards my goals. The last week and a half I had over 120 cheer bows to complete before a local HS took off for cheer camp, so that is partially to blame. ;) So hang on to your mouse and get settled in for a lot of pictures. LOL.

Let's start off with the weight update!

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I'm still not seeing a ton of progress as far as the scale is concerned. Of course everyone on IG is all "don't worry about the scale." Easy for you to say when you're not the one paying for Weight Watchers!!! And I will keep paying until I can make Lifetime. :/

Why is the scale stuck? I have several theories, but I'm going to narrow it down to too many cheat meals with the hubby on weekends, right before weigh in, and lack of sleep. Seriously sleep should be my number one priority but I just cannot get myself in bed at a decent hour. Boo!

Moving on to workouts:

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It seems I've slid into a bad habit of skipping cardio on weigh in day. Note to self: Get to it!

And here's a little fun one of me and the kiddlets showing off our new FTYF gear!

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Keep at it Fit Family!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're such an inspiration to me Bobbi! Keep it up Mama and thank you for motivating me again! :)

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