Tuesday, October 2, 2012

8 Week Challenge - Week 1 Results


This past week had it's ups and downs. I started out on a rough note, but ended on a high.

We focused on our meal trackers this past week and here's the pretty & ugly side of my nutrition habits. :)








So, here's the skinny on what I learned from my tracker this week.

  • I CANNOT handle eating those extra 49 weekly points in one day. My body literally cannot handle it. I felt sick as a dog for two days after I did that to myself and I will NEVER do that again.
  • I really enjoy eating a good hearty salad.
  • I'm getting better at throwing in a variety of food so that it's not "the same old thing" all the time.
  • I'm addicted to peanuts.
  • I need some help still. 

So at today's meeting we shared our trackers. The leader handed them out at random to other people and we discussed what we were seeing. As for me, I fessed up in the beginning what I had done and oye. After the meeting the lady who had my tracker brought it back to me. She knew it was mine from the pizzadent. Anywho, she asked about the protein bars and commented that maybe I should try drinking more milk. I politely segued into something else because I didn't want to discuss it with her.

I could go into here, but let's just say I will NEVER drink skim milk AGAIN. EVER. My husband & myself have vowed to drink whole, local produced milk after doing some research on just what skim milk is made of. And for the sake of points, I do track the milk I use in my smoothies, but I log it as skim even though it isn't. I don't drink smoothies every day either. Nor do I enjoy drinking my points away...

After I finished that conversation I took my tracker to my leader and left it with her. She is going to look it over and make some notes for me on ways I can improve my eating and where I should & shouldn't spend my points. I'm excited and nervous to see what kind of feedback I get. While I truly love Weight Watchers I will never be able to endorse every aspect of some of the items they deem "healthy" based on a lot of research. Sorry, I will end my rant now.


So, what's up with the paper turkey you ask? As you can see, he now has one feather! I earned that feather by tracking all week long. Isn't he cute. I can't wait to see him get all of his feathers. So how am I going to get next weeks feather?


This week we are supposed to move forward and work with our tracker some more. Last week as a base point, if you will. This week we need to sit down and be more goal specific. What do I want to get out of my tracker? What changes can I make now that I've observed it?

My goals:

  • Never EVER eat Freddy's & Pizza (or gorge on pizza) in the same day. EVER!
  • While I love my protein bars when I'm in a hurry and can't fix breakfast, I really need to lay off relying on them. There are quick breakfast meals out there, I just need to put forth the effort and fix my breakfast.
  • I rely heavily on the snacks in between meals and need to remedy that. Most of my points are going to snack foods with no real merit.
  • I have to stop staying up so late and eating a late snack. Have to.
It's funny what you can learn, if you just take the time to sit down and look.

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