Monday, October 8, 2012

FFFC Goals

So, we're half way through this challenge and I need to get my goals down. I've had them bouncing around in my head but getting them out there is all for the best.

Here's how the first three weeks have went:

Fit & Fabulous Fall Challenge over at Thunder Thighs!

Start: 228.0
Week 1: 225.3 <2.7lb>
Week 2: 225.3 <0lb>
Week 3: 223.6 <1.7lb>


I'm so not excited about how week 2 went, but it is what it is. All I can do is move past it and forward. Did I learn from it? Sure did.  But I'm a smidge proud to see that in 3 weeks time I was able to lose 4.4 pounds. Seriously, that's a great number. 

Week Four's Mini Challenge is:

Week four - Half way! Blog about your progress so far and set three goals you'd like to achieve for the last 4 weeks of the challenge.

So, my goals for the next 4 weeks?

1. Continue to tweak my nutrition habits. In combination with my WW 8 week challenge I've been looking more close at my daily tracker to see what changes can be made to assist my weight loss. At first glance it looked "okay." But upon further inspection I was eating way too many "anytime" points instead of using those during the day for my larger meals. At one glance I saw 20 of my allotted 35 points were used as anytime points. No bueno. I'm now trying to keep my anytime points under 9 for any given day. So I've been working on that as well as pre-planning what I'm going to eat the next day. The last thing I do before I close my eyes is open my mobile app and plan the next days meals. They aren't set in stone but it's definitely keeping me from searching for the junk and sticking to my good healthy foods.

2. No eating after 9:30pm. This has been my goal this last week and I will continue to strive to make this a habit. I'm sort of a night owl, I've definitely improved my sleeping habits, but staying up till 1am makes a gal hungry. So my goal has been/is that my last snack cannot be past 9:30pm. This forces me to turn out the light earlier and not go hunting for one of the kids pop-tarts or a bag of chips. So far it's been working, I did however snack twice past my allotted time. Once it was a handful of peanuts and the other time raw broccoli and a cheese stick. I'm slowly figuring this out.

3. Insanity. Phew. I started Insanity last week, this week is a little easier so clearly some improvement is taking place. I plan to stick it out to the end of the 60 day program! That puts my complete date at December 1st. It's working out rather well because I can squeeze it in while the hubs has the kids or once their down for naps and I don't have to freeze my balls off outside! It's a Win Win. I am having to modify a few moves because of the bum knee, but I'm still sweating the booty off and getting a good burn in. Seriously, the tricep dips yesterday left me limp armed today. :P

I think that's all the goals I have in mind for right now, It's getting late and I have a weigh-in in the morning. Wish me luck!


1 comment:

Lovebug6100 said...

You're doing great!! Keep it up!!

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