Oops, looks like I'm a smidge behind this week. It's been very busy in our home as of late. I've been pushing through the pain, so to speak, and walking as much as possible. I did run into a little snag here the past couple of days when I did my best time on a three mile walk. I ended up with two blisters on my right heel. I tried using some healing band-aids and walking last night but I only made it a quarter of a mile and I had to ditch both shoes. :( I did complete a mile...barefoot though, so I should get some credit right? LOL.
So I took last night off from walking, and I found my sleep was rather terrible. I don't know if mentally I wasn't worn out so I couldn't sleep well or what. But I do know that working out is making my sleeping period a lot better and it's obvious when I go without...weird dreams, restlessness. I don't like the side affects of not working out that is for certain.
Here's the low down from last week:
Week 11 Goals
- Continue walking, sticking to a 3 mile goal and push for farther distance if I can.[I've been sticking to a 3 mile goal and trying to keep it under 60 minutes. I never knew that I could push that hard and be successful, and it feels great knowing that I can do it.]
- Reward myself (pending on good walking habit) with one "eat out splurge." - Yes I apparently have to give myself a "goal" in order to feel good about splurging.[This was accomplished once, so goal checked. And I didn't feel mentally bad about it. My stomach on the other hand was another story.]
- Keep up the water chugging and avoiding pop.[Doing fabulous here. I cannot believe how easy it has been to give up my daily 2-5 pops!]
My week had a lot of ups and a minor down, but I really feel things are coming together. I know as sure as I type this something will come up to make it seem the opposite. I'm going to hang my hopes on the positives I have going for me right now and pray that I keep on track this week.
Week 12 Goals
- Continue walking, sticking to a 3 mile goal, with 20 minute miles.
- Eat/drink more smoothies.
- Keep up the water chugging and avoiding pop.
You finished your walk barefoot?! You rock:)
I used to go barefoot all the time, but now? Wouldn't even think about it. I would love a pair of those Vibram FiveFingers Walking Shoes. My son has a pair and LOVES them!
Walking barefoot *totally* counts! That's the way to persevere. I'm impressed. Pretty sure I would've limped back to the house and switched on the tube.
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